Wednesday, 5 March 2008

2008 and all that

Well, I realise it's been a few months since I last posted anything. Sorry! It's just that there hasn't really been too much to say. Life goes on as normal round these parts. Work is keeping me fairly busy, with a few trips coming up to Slovenia, France, Netherlands, and maybe the Nordic region. If I get the chance, I'll try to blog from there...

I've booked my holiday already (a first for me to be so organised so early!). I'll be spending 5 days (4 nights) in Krakow in the summer. This year'll be a bit different, as I'm planning on taking the laptop with me, so I can blog/post photos to flickr/email folks while I'm there! So, look forward to that in a few months time.

Anyone got any good recipes for chicken? I've got a fair few already, but I'm always on the look out for more...

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